Monday, September 14, 2009

"You are the driver, not the passenger"

Today we talked about the importance of having a proactive attitude...taking responsiblity for your life and making things happen. We can only control how we respond to a situation, and cannot control what other people do. Listen to your language...are you being proactive, or reactive? Please share one time when you acted in a proactive manner. If you can't think of one, share a time when you were could you have handled it differently?

This is an assignment. You must write your first name, last initial and period to receive credit. To get started, click on "comments" on the bottom right of this post.


Kyra S. Period 6 said...

One time my sister and I argued about the laundry. I accidentally put one of her nice shirts in the dryer and it shrunk. Then we got into a huge argument about it. I could have changed it by pushing the pause button and saying,"You know your right, I should have been more careful."

Jacob A. Period 2 said...

A time that I was reactive was when a kid kicked me and I hit him back instead of going and telling a teacher.

Matthew N. period 6 said...

One time I was reactive was when my mom told me to take out the trash. When she told me this I was watching an interesting movie. I said AFTER THE MOVIE. I made a big mistake! I ended up throwing out the trash and no TV. I'm pretty sure I should have been a little more positive.

Anonymous said...

Nolan V. Period 5

When my mom had her accident with her knee, my brother and I really had to step up to the plate with chores and giving her the things she needed at unexpected times. I have been proactive by helping my mom with everything she has needed for the past 2 months and it will keep being that way until she gets better.

Kyle I. Period 2 said...

One time my mom and I argued because I thought I studied enough and she didn't. I could have fixed it by pushing the pause button and thinking about what she sees and decide that I could have studied a little bit longer.

Hope N. Period 2 said...

One time my little brother hit me and he is meaner than my older brother so i don't like him as much as my older brother(i probably wouldn't have hit my older brother) and i hit him back and he started crying instead of just telling my parents.

Ezaz H. period 1 said...

One of these times would have to be when I had to go to a party. But my mom never said it would end at eight o'clock. I also had a lot of homework to do. So I didn't panic, and did what I could, and did the rest early in the morning.

Mackenzie B. period 2 said...

One time my sister started yelling at me and i yelled back. I should have just ignored her or said i am sorry you feel that way.

Jessica M. said...

One time I was proactive was when Someone said I looked weird and I just walked away.

Anonymous said...

One day a bullie was pickng on me and I started an argument with him. I could've pushed the pause button and said "You know, I should just leave".

Adam W.

Quentin T. Period 2 said...

One time my brother and I got into an arguement and we started fighting I shouldn't have hit him back, I should have tried to stop the arguement

Rachel I. from Period 4 said...

One time my friend and I got into an disagreemant. We I been friends for years and hadn't played with anyone else at recess for a long time. One day I made a new friend, she got kinda mad at me for playing with someone else instead of her. INstead of getting angry and annoyed with her I introduced them to one another and we all began to play together.

Aroosa M. Period 1 said...

One time me and my brother started fighting about which game we wanted to have and then I pushed the pause button and realized he wanted the game so badly I gave it to him.

Caleb G. period 2 said...

Saturday at my soccer game, I was proactive. I got a yellow card for tripping another player. Instead of getting mad, I smiled and put two thumbs up to the ref.

Matthew S. period 2 said...

Today I was proactive when I went up to my mom and told her I had homework to finish. I didn't wait for her to tell me to do my homework.

Matthew S per. 2

Nick R. period 6 said...

One time when I got home I wanted to watch something but I had to do my homework first. So I did my homework early so I would have enough time to watch the show.

Anonymous said...

Heather G. pr.4

Once, in fifth grade I got into n arguement with my fiend. It all started in math. I couldn't find my pen so I said to her,jokingly, " You took my pen didn't you,________ [her name]?"
And she said, "No, Heather I did not take your pen."
And I said, also jokingly," Yes you did. I know you did."
Then class started and at lunch my friend refused to sit with me until I apologized to her. At the beggining I refused to apologize to her because I was joking. But after a day of the silent treatment I caved and apologized. I know I reacted reactively and not proactively. I should have apologized at the beggining and not at the end.

San_Fran62 said...

Gavin G. period 5
At my old school, I got in a big fight with one of my classmates. He talked trash about me in front of all of my friends and classmates. They hated me for weeks. When he decided he wanted to leave the school, the all wanted him to stay and i said" Let him leave, He is a snotty, snooty, mean, rich kid." I also gave the kid a cold sholder for weeks. I could of not let my feelings out. I could of agreed with my class mates and had been nice to him until he left the school.

Angelica M. Period 2 said...

One time my older brother called me names, then i said that's nice.

Leah B. Period 2 said...

My sister always gets on my nerves by just saying simple but hurtful comments. Sometimes, my anger gets the best of me and I start hurting her back, when I should really just press the pause button and step away from the situation.

brittany A p.6 said...

one time that i was being reactive was w/ my mom. i didn't want to take a bag full of waters to color gard. so i stared to get mad abd slamed the door. what i should of did was to just take the bag.

Allie E. Period 7 said...

One time my little brother scribbled allover my computer screen and I walked in just intime to see him leave and when I told my mom he blamed his friend and got away with it so I went in his room and colored on his desk when I should have just been proactive instead of reactive.

Riley R. Period 1 said...

This is a proactive statement. A couple of weeks ago my sister and I were waching TV. I wanted to watch a different channel so I asked her if I could change the channel. She said I couldn't so instead of backtalking her to get my way I went upstairs to watch a different TV.

Frank L. period 2 said...

One time a kid called me a bad name and I said a nother bad name back at him but I should have said I'm sorry you feel that way.

Delaney V. said...

Delaney V. period 1 said....
one time my brother and i were fighting over the TV remote. He hit me and so i yelled at him and hit him, but i should of stopped and thought if i hit him will it make this any better?

Oscar H. Period #4 said...

One day my sister wanted to borrow somethng from me. I said no and then we began arguring and yelling at each other. I shouldn't throw a big fit over my sister just wanting to borrow something.

Gillian R period 2 said...

One time me and my sister got in a fight and she said mean things to me and I said mean things back, next time I will push the pause button and think

Gia C. period 1 said...

Me and my bro get in this one fight all time time. I annoy him then he yells at me. We tell my mom and instead of telling her we should just say sorry and mind our own business!!! =]]

Sarah E. Period 6 said...

One time when I was reactive was when my sister and I were doing the dishes and she hit me with a dish towel and I kicked her back. I should've pushed the pause button and thought about what to say.

carolyn, c. period 4 said...

One time my sister were in the car and we were arguing. After the argument settled, my sister was singing really loudly and I yelled at her. After we got home, I said to myself I could have handled the situation differently. I could have told her to "stop" instead of yelling at her.

Justin F. Period 7 said...

One time my brother hit me and I hit him back. I should have just walked away.

Anonymous said...

Kenzie Gr.
Period 2

One time I was reactive to my older sister, when she called me a name. So yelled at each other back and forth and ended up being grounded. I wish I would of "pushed the pause button" and thought about what to say before I responded.

Evelyn C. Period 1 said...

Once I had to clean up and tidy my room before I went to my sleepover. I was about to talk back, but I thought about it and either way I would still have to do it before or after the sleepover so I did it.

Alexis E. Period 2 said...

Once I was pitching and the catcher wasn't wearing a mask.Then when I threw the ball it bounced and hit her in the face.Then I got an ice pack for her and helped her until she was better.

Theo S. period.1 said...

One time my sister pinched me when she thought i was being annoying. I got really mad so I stayed in her room and tried to annoy her even more when I should have just said sorry and left.

Jason T. period 2 said...

One time I was reactive by arguing who takes out the trash today.I could of been proactive by saying,"Sure I'll do it."

Tatum P. period 4 said...

One time i was on a train in new york and it was one in the morning there. Me and my brother sat next to each other (not such a good idea)and we didnt realize it was the quiet car and we were talking loud. Also we woke the person in front of us.

Madison M. Per 5 said...

One time I thought my brother gave me a dirty look. I started yelling at him. He asked me why I was yelling at him. I guess he wasnt giving me a dirty look. I should of asked him why he was looking at me so weird instead of yelling at him.

Aleeha K. Period 4 said...

One time i was minding my own mine when a kid had started insanely annoying me instead of yelling and using a bad attitude i should of noticed the kid was having a bad day and trying to impress his friends instead i should have noticed quitely and and ignored him

Andrew V. Period 2 said...

One time my little brother wanted to play video games with me. Instead of letting him play with me I argued with him and it ended up with me not being able to play at all. I should have let him play with me.

Megan G. period 1 said...

One time when my sister and i got in a fight she called me a mean name so so I screamed at her and called her a name back. I should have just ignored her and walked away instead of starting a bigger fight.

Brandon L period1 said...

During a soccer game, a kid was holding my shirt. So I grabed his arm and gave him a wedgy and threw him on the ground. I should walked away.

Brittney B said...

Brittney B. per1
Today, my brother and i got in to a huge fight because i had my ipod on and he didn't like the song and then he BLASTED his music so loud it was really rude. But, I did use my pause button. He would'nt stop but, i tired to work it out.

David H. period 2 said...

Once my sister called me a bad name and I thought about what cause would be so I just said cool.
8D ;j :b :O 8I ......... you are my coolest teacher.

Natalie G P6 said...

One time my brother and i started fighting and i yelled at him when i should of just stop and said sorry.

Camille, L, 4th Period said...

Camille Lamb Per. 4
One night I was having a bad homework night with all of the yelling and the madness. Then I relized if I just have a better attitude, then I would have a better night. So I decided to just do my homework and say sorry. So this night was one of my "proactive lessons".

Anonymous said...

Graeson G per 6

When me and my sister fight before it gets to out of controll I stop and push the puase butten to think if is a good idea to fight

Carl M p.4 said...

once my littel sister called me a bad name so i just ignored her.

Kolby W. period 2 said...

One time when me and my sister were playing a game. I decided that I didn't want to play any more so Peyton called me boring and I told her she was being mean. Instead of calling her mean I should have pressed the pause button and calmed my self down.

Conner H. 5th period said...

One time I got in an argument with my mom because she doesn't like my writing and she told me to slow down on my work and instead of just reacting and fighting back, I could of just pressed the pause button and thought it over and say "You know you're right,I should slow down on my work and try to print nicer."

Raquel D. Period 4 said...

My brother, one time, gave me an insult while I was eating, but instead of giving an insult back I used sarcasm and said , "That's nice." He gave me a look, but then went back to eating.

Ryan L. Period 4 said...

I was talking to my friend. We really didn't get along much. All of the sudden he had an angry outburst. He started yell at me. I wanted to yell back, but I was afraid of what would happen next. So, I choose to leave him in an angry state and be done with it.

Anonymous said...

David G. p.7

One night I was mad because I had a lot of homework and instead of doing and getting it done I decided to wait until the last minute. I finished my homework that night but I realized that I should have just finished instead of waiting.

Mackenzie G. Period 1 said...

Once I was watching a movie that I had been dieing to see. In the middle of it my mom asked me to walk the dog. I said later, bad move. I ended up walking the dog but not finishing the movie after. I should have pressed the pause button and re-thought my answer.

awesomeness :) :) said...

RACHEL V. PER. 4 One time my dad and i got into a fight about how i couldnt go to a friends house beacause she was a bad influence on me and i held back and screamed and of course i didnt get want i wanted because of my attitude but i should have pushed the pause button and said ok your right.

Ryan W. period 6 said...

I complete all of my weekly chores and homework without being asked to do them.

Unknown said...

Danielle D p.5
Last weekend my dad asked me to put away my clothes and i said i'll do it. It felt good to use reactive attitude.

Unknown said...

I had a choice of a good paradigm or a bad paradigm when my mom told me to clean my room when i was playing video games. At first I didn't want to but then I thought about it. Then i decided to do it.

Jacquelyn D. Per.4 said...

A proactive response is the best and most fun response because you can get good things out of it, instead of a reactive response.

Anonymous said...

Tommy A. Per.1

A proactive resonse is a lot better because you dont get angery and let it ruin your day.

Nana N. per.6 said...

My sister,Nao fights over on everything all the time. I always end up getting in trouble by my mom. I always feel puffed up at her but, I realized the word PROACTIVE and I pushed the 'pause button' and realized that I know that she is saying these things for me.

Walker C period 6 said...

Once i was playing on my xbox 360 and my mom said to take out the trash,I started to complain and I had reactive attitude.I should have just done what she said.

tyler per.7 said...

One of these times is when i had to finish my home work before my parents get home and i told my self that why deal with the trouble with my parents that i can just do it and get it out of the way.

P.S.i love the class pet A.K.A. THE FISH

Anonymous said...

Once I was playing my Wii and my mom said I had to clean my room and I stearted reacting but my mom also started reacting. Later, I suffered the consequenses.From Jared L. in 5th period.

Lauren F. said...

Hi, Mrs. DeGraffenreid!I've seen this picture on the computer before! I knew that it was an old lady and a young lady. I sure hope this year will be awesome!!

Katie F. Period 4 said...

One day a boy at school was having a bad day and decided to yell at me. After he did I said,"Good for you." and just walked away.

Madison G. Period 7 said...

When I was on the bus one time a lot of people were talking badly so I sat on the other end of the bus to avoid them.

Amy, B. Period 2 said...

When I was young, kids would tease me about my last name and I would walk away.

nathaneal period 5 said...

that was very inspiring ome time i hade to finish all my homework and i did it all even thoe there was alot

Morgan M Per. 5 said...

Once, when I was playing video games with my brother my mom asked me to clean my room. My room is so bad that you can't actually see the floor in some places. Well, instead of being reactive, I was proactive and finished in under 2 hours. Which is a record for me.

Blake P. period 6 said...

Blake P. Period 6
I was proactive when I cleaned my room without being asked. I knewlater that day my mom would ask me to clean it.

Danielle H. Per. 7 said...

One time I was being proactive when i was asked to clean my room and i was getting all mad and saying no i dont want to and i should next time just say ok fine i will do it.

Andrew Q Per. 7 said...

Dear Ms. DeGraff,
Today I was proactive when I gave my friend a dollar so he could get a bottle of water, and then he was proactive back because he said thank you and said he would pay me back tomorrow.

Austin L. per.7 said...

I was proactive when I was playing catch outside and my mom told me to clean my room. I din't protest, I just went inside and cleaned my room.

Lizzie C. Period 2 said...

Instead of arguing with my sister, I could of just saw her point of view and agreed to disagree, and have a win- win attitude.

Anonymous said...

Lily C. Per. 2

One time I was proactive at my soccer game because I lost the game to my best friend's team,but I still said "Good game," to her and was happy for her team.

Ely W. Period 2 said...

One time me and my brother argued of what to watch on tv but then none of us watched tv.

Anthony C. per. 2 said...

Dear ms.Degraff,
I think being in the dirvers seat is important because if your the passenger the driver will take over you. I really like making my own choises because I usually don't get to make the choises in my life. Lastly, if I don't make my choises it will lead to something bad in my future.

P.S. I love the class pet.

Brent S. Period 7 said...

One time my sister and I Both wanted to watch tv on the same t.v. at the same time. We wrestled over the remote and fought to see who gets to watch t.v. What I should of done was record my episode of Spongebob and let my sister watch Project Runnway. In the end my sister and I were both happy. :) :) :) :)

Dean D said...

It was a hot day and i was very thristy my friend said he would buy me a drink after he did I told him thank you

He was Proactive

Jenny N. per.6 said...

One time, a bully told me I was a baby even though I was only one year younger than her and instead of yelling at her or doing something reactive, I just walked away.

Andie Alcaraz 6 said...

I was proactive when I saved all my birthday and christmas money and didn't spend on myself. I bought my sister a birthday cake with candles and a birthday gift (sleepers that she wanted. She was very touched by this and it made me happy and my parents proud of me.

Justin T - Per.6 said...

I knew I would make my mom happy if I took out the trash before she yelled at me. So I did and she was really happy and surprised.

Lyanne L. Period 7 said...

One time I fought with my little brother about video games and who would play first. In the end we both didn't get to play. I should've let him play first and I'll go second.

Starleen R. period4 said...

I was proactive when i got money and i bought my sister somthing and she was very happy.then a couple of weeks after i onley had to dollars and my sister wanted a candy but she said no it would give her cavities and she put it back. instead of saving her money to get something else she bought my a toy and stickers and that same day my dad bought me stickers again it was a great day!

Anonymous said...

Parisa A Period 2

One time I wanted to watch tv but my mom said to do homework instead so I finished all my homework and got to watch tv.

Anonymous said...

one day i was being proactive by throwing away a water bottle without being told.

Jessica D. Period 3 said... said...

On time my brother called me a name then hit me. I wanted to call him a name and hit him back. But insted, I said, I'm ver;y sorry you feel that way. And he walked away.

Tommy M. Per. 1 said...

Once My mom told me on a Friday that I couldn't be with my friends on Saturday until I cleaned my room. That Saturday I sat on my computer and watched TV and one of my friends called and asked if I could go bike riding. I asked my mom if I could go and she asked me if I had cleaned my room. I said no. So I had to clean my room then i went bike riding with them.
To be proactive in that situation I could have cleaned my room when I woke up and could have gone bike riding with my friend earlier.

Anonymous said...


Me and my sister got in a fight and we just kept fighting and fighting but finally i was the proactive one and i just walked away

Amanda K. Period 2 said...

I thought I was being proactive when someone came up and started arguing with me and I was just like well that is your opinion not mine.

Anonymous said...

Riley W period 6
One time me and my lil brother were playing a game and he hates when he loses so i let him win.

spencer p.6 said...

having courage is like standing up for your self and doing what you have to do.

Michael said...

the time when i was reactive is when my brother wanted to play videogames with me and when i said no he started bawling so I squirted juice on him and got in trouble. i should of just told mom i need my private time or just let him play with me

josh m. period 4 said...

a time when i was proactive was when me and my brother both wanted to play different video games. i said why do we play half and hour then the other one for half an hour. we did and it went well.

Pete R. Period 6 said...

One day my brother was hitting me and rather than hit him back, I told my parents.

Anonymous said...

There was a time when I was proactive and helped out at the Special Olympics in San Diego.

Jordan W. (per.4)

Connor C period 5 said...

Once my soccer coach yelled at me because a made a bad pass so I got mad but later on I realized he was trying to correct my mistakes so that I can become a better soccer player.

Trevor said...

Trevor K. Period 6 said,
My mom told me to clean my room and I said no. she told me to go to my room and think what i said.
I should of paused myself before I said it. After that I said sorry. then I cleaned my room...:):)

George A. Period 4 said...

George A. Period 4
One time me and my brothers were fighting over the tv and were sent to our room. We should have agreed on tv show.

samantha said...

Samantha period 5 my dad said to go pick up my cloths and i said no so he got mad at me then i paused and said i will go pick up my cloths.And now i feel good about it!...:):):)

Michael P. 4 said...

One time I acted in a proactive manner when my sister asked for her birthday an m3p player and I bought her one with all my money.she said thank you and she bought me something good for my birthday.

Alex K. P. 7 said...

When I get bored, I don't know what to do. I ask my friends what they want to do but they can't think of anything... What shouold I do?

Blake Johnson P.7 said...

One time When I wanted to go out side i couldnt because I had Homework. So i was reactive and got all mad so I didnt get to go out side. I should of been proactive and just do it.

maggie a. 7p. said...

you are the driver not the passenger, means that you are in control of yourself, no body else is but you.