Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Don't let fear keep you from reaching your goals.


Anonymous said...

Aaron S
Period 1

When I play baseball, there are certain positions that i am used to playing. When I am a pitcher, everyone relies on me to do good. Sometimes I have to have courage to step out of my comfort zone and pitch even if my arm hurts. I have to step up and perform, even if I don't feel comfortable with it.

Parker Viva said...

One time my parents told me to go clean my room and bathroom so i did
clean them

Anonymous said...

Amber G.
Your right Ms. DeGraffenreid sometimes I have to step out of my comfort zone!

Will Bickford said...
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nathanel period 5 said...

i hade to tell on my best freind

Michael Boc from Period 4 said...
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Dominique Oden said...

Sometimes you have to step out of your confert zone so you can do somthing that help you later in life.

michael blakeslee said...

Today my brother teased me but i just said "have a good day I loveyou."

hunter barrett per 4 said...

MY parents use to have to tell me to do my chores but now i do them by my self!!!

Ashley B period 3 said...

Sometimes when i play tennis I have to step out of my comfort zone by playing my best.But in the morning my legs hurt! But atleast i tried my best.

Anonymous said...

Cassie a.(1peirod)

Kayleen R period 6 said...

You are so right somtimes you do have to step out of your comfort zone even when your scared you will find out its not so bad stepping out of your comfort zone, as long as you know your safe!

Francisco p6 said...

I like the picture that you put on the web

Michael Boc said...

MS.DeGraff is that you on the picture with the horse?cause the place looks amzing and peaceful

Ms. DeGraffenreid said...

Yep, that's me. I had to step into my courage zone this summer. I went to a cattle ranch in Montana and it turned out the be one of the most challenging things I've ever done...in the saddle for 9 hours a day, herding cattle across the ranch, giving the cattle shots, and roping calfs. SOOO out of my comfort zone, but I learned a lot!

brittany a P6 said...

i stepped into my courage zone once and that was last weekend. but once you step into your courage it is a whole new feeling!! :)

Nick period 6 said...

Last week I hadn't turned in my signed slip for science yet and I had to step out of my comfort zone into my courage zone. I always feel bad when i have to turn things in late and sometimes just don't do it. This time was different.

Samuel V. Per. 6 said...

Hi Mrs. Degraff you are the best Science teacher !!!!!

Unknown said...

Ugh late I've been having problems with Courage and I don't know how to do it...

Taylor H p.5 said...

On the week of 10/12/09, I had forgoten my homework and I had goten vary up set about it. So, I then knew that I would have to step out of my comfort zone and in to my courage zone. Then later when I got home I then had realized how bad I had felt about turning in my homework late.

nathan s. p.7 said...

one time i thought i had courage is when i went to the river in Nevada and went on sea doos i thought it would be scary but it turned to be really fun

Evelyn C. said...

That looks like a lot of fun!

Evelyn C.
Period 1