Sunday, September 13, 2009


We've been talking about the idea that we all see the world in different ways. There are times we view a situation different from the way our friend views the same situation. As a result, we sometimes find ourselves having a disagreement with our friends. If we could step back and look through our friends "glasses" we might be surprised how different things look.

Have you ever been in a situation where you had a shift in your paradigm (point of view)?


Ryan V. period 1 said...

I had a shift in my paradigm when I was going to go rafting. I didn't want to go because the water was to cold. Then, I thought that this is the only chance to go for a long time. I went and the water wasn't to bad.

Hayli T. per 1 said...

One day i got in a fight with my friend.We did not talk for almost two days.Finally I realized that there was no point for us to be fighting. In fact i didn't remember what the fight was about.During the 2nd day of fighting I walked over to my friend and said I was sorry and she said sorry too.Now we are friends again.

Hayli T.

Ms F 4th period said...

Ms, Degraff and students,
Tonight I looked at the picture used as an example of a paradigm--the old woman/young woman.
In class ( 4th period) I couldn't see the young woman at all, but tonight I saw both the young and old women very clearly!! Yay!!
Ms. F

Ms. DeGraffenreid said...

I had a similar experience when I was a freshman in high school, but I think you handled yourself better. Only after 2 days you were wise enough to address the situation. It took my friend and I 2 months before we realized that neither of us could remember why we "hated" each other. Being proactive and looking through another pair of glasses would have really helped us!

Britttany a p6 said...

i love what this pic stands for. i think that in class we sould have an assiment about some thing that involevs this picture.

Anonymous said...

A while back, my buddie and I were mad at each other because we each thought that we were right and we didn't talk to each other for over a week! Later I recognized that he was the one that was right. So I started to apologize and we were friends again. From Jared L. in 6th period.

farah daghestani (per.4) said...

that picture is so cool at first i only saw the old lady but i saw the young one at a second glance that so cool!!

Andrew Per. 7 said...

Ms. DeGraff,
I finally figured it out. I see both faces now.

Sumin L. 6priod said...

That picture is very cool
I like it

Dominique Oden said...

Dominique Oden Period 7,
you will probably every time see something differently then some other person.

Madeline G. Period #1 said...

Once my friend and I were playing a video game, I finally went to get a star(a verry important thing in the game) We promised not to nock each other off the block. But, my friend forgot and nocked me off, I was really mad, then I thought of the situation her way it was truly an accedint. We quickly made up.

Allie E. Period 7 said...

I think the picture is awesome and we should have an assignmemt concerning it It took me a while but i finally see both faces.

Francisco C. P6 said...

I like how you trick us in the picture.

Unknown said...

one day i was with my friend and we got in a fight we did not talk for a month and i just said that whats the point and then we were back to friend

Jordan C, Period 7 said...

In many of my life experiences the problem could have been solved by looking at the situation in the other person's perspective. Also my paradigm has shifted over the years and I look at things differently now.
Jordan Coley

Deborah y. period 2 said...

Dear Ms.DeGraff, I am so excited for the fun school year. see you tomorrow.