Friday, March 26, 2010

Never Give Up

I saw this video and thought it was very inspiring. It made me think about life and the choices I make each day. Take a look and let me know what you think.


Ms. F. said...

This is an awesome video!!
Makes me realize that I really shouldn't complain about silly , little, unimportant things in life!!
Very inspirational young man, and he has a great sense of humor too!!

Anonymous said...

hi ms.degaff, i saw nick in real life before, he preached at my church

Brittany said...

WOW!!!! did you see that he was playing golf, i could hardly believe it! it's amazing to see what he can do but at the same time it helps to make you look over the things that aren't has important, or hard times. :)

Lauren :) said...

It's really incedible,what he has done and so sad that he has no arms or legs. But what really moves me is that he never gave up. He's played golf,soccer,etc. Simply amazing.