Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Our Dynamic Earth Review Video

We've been working hard as we've learned about the Earth. Check out the video below to see what we've been up to. It will also help you review for our test. Also, on the right (under important links) there is a study guide, online flash cards and a review game. Check them out!


Ron Rules said...

I LOVE THOSE SONGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanx for posting this on your blog. I know i'm going to ACE THIS TEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ron K. P5

Lauren F. (still off key!) Per.1 said...

OMG!!! I was off key! Those songs were totally awesome! Ms. DeGraff put so much work into this to support our test! Thx Ms. DeGraff! You're the best!

Anonymous said...

Sweet! The songs and the pictures were awsome! I also loved the end how it told us about what some of the concepts on the test is.

Jared L. Period 5

Ms. DeGraffenreid said...

Glad you guys enjoyed the video! And Jared, thank you for noticing all the facts I've included. This is just one fun way to make sure we understand the material and what's on the test. Keep working hard everyone!

Unknown said...

haha those were good songs! and i never got an email ms. degraff

Unknown said...

the song to thriller was good :)

Anonymous said...

who sang thriller!!!! i recognize the voice!!! uurrg this is gonna bug me!

Lauren F.'s voice got better! Yay! said...

Yeah, the person who sang "Thriller" was good! " Cause its thriller....thriller night..."

Lauren talk-a-lot said...

You know, Christmas is getting closer...and closer....and closer...I could go on for a while, but I think I'll be quiet now...

Andrew said...

Cool. Can you tell me how you put those videos on there????

Ms. DeGraffenreid said...

Hey Andrew,
You upload the video just like you upload a picture...it just takes a bit longer. To make the video, I used windows movie maker. You might have it on your computer...look in your programs.