Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Earth Model Update

Last week we started working on our Earth models. Right now, the focus is on the interior layers. The students calculated how thick each layer should be so our models will be to scale. Next, they marked the layers on the ball then painted. All the models are off to a great start! Thank you to everyone who made a donation to help support this project!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The Earth's Interior

Over the past few days, we've been focusing on the interior of the Earth. We learned that scientists use seismic waves to determine that there are layers. When the waves pass through a layer that has different properties, the waves bend. We also learned about the 4 main layers of the Earth...the crust, mantle, outer core and inner core. They all have very different properties. Refer to your notes if you can't remember how they're different from each other. In addition, we learned about 2 very special layers: the lithosphere and the asthenosphere. The CRUST AND THE UPPERMOST MANTLE make up the brittle outer layer called the lithosphere. This layer is broken into large pieces called plates. We'll be learning more about these in the weeks to come. The asthenosphere is a thin layer directly below the lithosphere. This layer is slightly melted and acts kind-of like silly-putty...moving very,very slowly.

We also learned that there are convection currents in the asthenosphere and in the outer core. The currents of the outer core create Earth's magnetic field.

Have anything you want to share about the interior of the Earth? Did you find anything to be particularly interesting?

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Our Dynamic Earth!

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